25 January, 2017

A Dream and a Crash

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Rage, rage, against the dying of the light.
                    Dylan Thomas

Last night, I dreamed Paul and I were a captive audience on a dangerous jeep ride on what barely constituted a trail on a cliff side, in an environment that vaguely resembled Paint Rock Valley. There was no one around for miles but us, the driver of the jeep, and our fellow passengers. In my heart, I knew we wouldn't make it to our dinner destination. The driver (a friend in my dream) recklessly tore through the gravel and small boulders. At one point there was a sink hole we barely managed to avoid, and we spun in circles and I saw my mortality inching closer and closer. I made a face, and the passenger in front of me looked at me as though she could hardly believe I didn't trust the driver. Suddenly, as we trundled up a steep hill strewn with small boulders, I felt the ground give way. I could feel that we no longer had purchase, and were in fact flying through the air. I reached over and grabbed Paul's arm and told him I loved him, then snapped awake.

In the past week, I've seen one meme from my conservative friends over and over, asking why we would want the plane our pilot is flying to crash. My answer is this:

The plane is on fire, and the pilot and half the passengers seem to be asleep, be ignoring the problem, or are distracted by the crying child next to them. I just want the plane to land safely so I can safely reach my destination, and they can reach theirs.

I won't go down quietly. I'm going to make a scene. I won't sit in my privileged seat belt and assume I'm going to be okay when every single drop down mask and floating seat cushion seems to be breaking under force. I may lose friends because of this. I will rage against the dying. I will rage against injustice.

These people, they will tell you they treasure the sanctity of life because they obsess over a single bit of legislation. But they don't. They will shamelessly rip away consumer protections that keep sick people under a doctor's care because the middle class complained about the cost of their insurance premiums, due to the fact that states wouldn't fully honor the system in place and forced insurance companies to deal with the fallout. They will take precious rights and resources from our children and their children, like clean air and water, stable growing climate, and stable social environment, to protect a past that never existed and to avoid changes that make them uncomfortable. We can't keep drinking from the fountain of youth they tell us they are bottling and selling. It is fake, it is dying, and it can only lead to catastrophe and death. If you are a Christian, you've been called to stewardship. Be a steward.

One generation will have to absorb responsibility. Let it be ours. Let us be truly the greatest generation of all.

I used to be like those other passengers who won't try to see, or who are so preoccupied with their own situation that they don't see what is really happening. Sometimes I miss that, I miss not having friends mad at me, people disappointed in me. But then one day I saw the fire growing and I couldn't ignore it any longer. I was quiet for a while, captivated and afraid of rocking the boat. But the fear has built up, and I can't be quiet any longer.

Do whatever you can to get the pilot and his crew to keep the plane in the air. Yell. Make people mad. Cause a scene. Be gentle and caring when you are able. Don't give up hope. Find something suited to your inclinations and talents and lend your efforts to it. Don't be overwhelmed. Be the helpers Fred Rogers said we would find when you don't see any. Tell people the facts, be ready with mental jiujitsu tactics, and be ready for anger when you don't follow the rules. Eat the fire in the plane if you can, keep it in your belly, and make it work for you.

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