17 April, 2014

... a sad moment.

I just read Gabriel Garcia-Marquez has passed away. I stopped what I was doing, and came to sit down to type my feelings out, as though people care that I'm quite attached to an old man author I've never met.

But I am.

And so I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes.

To say I adore Gabo's style is light. I read his books during a complicated time in my life. I loved his work. Ardently. I would feverishly read until untold hours in the morning, drag myself through a day's work in retail, sneak blips of reading as often as I could between customers... devouring his books.

When I found out I was pregnant, Paul suggested we name the Hobbes-it after a character in one of my books... I told him Aureliano probably wasn't a great name.

I had, for some reason, held out hope I'd somehow meet Gabo someday. Now I don't even have that.

*sigh* So is life, I suppose.