13 May, 2013

The Update

The last time I posted, I discussed some fitness goals. Here's how all that fleshed out:

The Great Pullup Challenge...

I still can't do a full pullup. It isn't for lack of trying, though. I stuck to a pretty challenging regimen of assisted pullups and lat pulldowns.

However, I wouldn't say my big challenge wasn't a success; quite to the contrary. Yesterday, I went climbing for the first time since I began my efforts to be able to do a pullup. I was flying up routes on which I had previously stalled. I even did some declines.

Another place I can tell a difference in performance as a result of the Pullup Challenge is in the pool. My muscular endurance is definitely improved.

There's also the added bonus of slimmer arms and a more toned back. You'll never hear me complain about things like that!

The Time Trial

I ended up not attending the TT. I found out one of my best friends from high school was graduating with his Bachelor's degree, and I didn't want to miss the occasion. I knew all too well how hard he had worked...

I'll do one later in the year, when I have had a little more time to train well. I went out last week for a practice run, and averaged 20 mph over a pretty windy course. I was pleased as punch. Hopefully I can push that average up a little more as the summer proceeds and actually perform well at a race.

I worked hard the past few weeks to get to this point, and can attribute my success to weekly intervals of varying styles, and going out for long rides on the weekends. Even when the weather wasn't the best. And The Sufferfest, from time to time.

So What Now?

What's coming up next? The Mach Tenn Triathlon, which I feel like is one of the premier races in our area. The run course is one of the most challenging of any races I've done... it always puts me through the ringer. I've been running it every other weekend for a few weeks now. I'm hoping that prepares me well for a better run this year.

I'm not holding out high expectations for that, however; I'm still running very conservatively, in an effort to protect my ankle and let it heal well. I'm close to 90%, but still worry sometimes. Dr. Johnson pulling my heel out from my foot and pointing out how loose it still is resounds in my head... So I'm still getting used to being patient and working with my body as it is. I'll get there (wherever there is...), but can't expect the same speed of results as I've seen in the past. And I'm becoming okay with that.

Also... my bestie is getting married in TWO WEEKS! It doesn't seem possible that I'm married, much less her... I still often feel like we're just kids, even though I know we're well beyond an age where we can be considered just a couple kids. But I love her dearly, and wish her and her great choice in a guy all the love and happiness I can imagine :)

And then, in the fall, we're venturing to NYC for Paul to run in the NY Marathon! I seriously can't wait to get the heck out of Dodge and be someplace different for a while...


Lisa said...

I'm so glad Dr. Johnson could help you.
Good luck with the Mach Tenn tri!

I hope Paul does well in NYC. One day, I'm going back for revenge on that course!

Jessie said...

Thanks! I'm really excited to race :)

I think he will. It's definitely the right environment for him to perform well: cool, fall race. How'd you do at it?? (Since the word revenge was included, you've piqued my curiosity!)