03 October, 2012

Day UNO, Part DOS

Here I am, on the other side of my first workout. I won't lie; it was hard. But I know hard work pays off.

4 x 100 lunges ( 50 each leg) 
2 x 50 crunches 
7×10 push-ups 
2 x 50 crunches 
4 x 50 b/w squats 
2 x 50 crunches 
25 chin ups

The lunges were, hands down, the hardest part of the workout. Of course, they came at the beginning... I could complain, but on a positive note, that can only drive up my endurance. I, like Lana, switched up styles on lunges and crunches. I was thankful to not have to do any modified pushups, which I'd fully expected. My pre-workout efforts to do a single unassisted chin up were completely futile, though. Due to this, I used the assisted weight machine, probably with too much weight assistance. But I'll take it. My right quad feels angry, but it'll be happy to have been on the receiving end of the red hot slap stick of pain when I'm cruising along on the bike soon with better muscular endurance.

Chad and Wes were upstairs lifting, so I hung out and chatted with them while they finished their circuit. I tried unassisted chin ups a couple more times with Chad coaching, to no avail. If I accomplish nothing, I want to be able to do one stinking pull up/chin up by the end of this experience.

Concerns about my ability to do the workouts still plague me. But isn't that part of it? Pushing my known limits, getting better. Fighting to find greatness.

"It's a moment to live, it's a moment to die, it's a moment to fight..."

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