04 October, 2012


I've been feeling very inspired lately. Not artistically, though sometimes I wish that were the case. I think I forgot all too long ago how to harness my sense of inspiration into something other than an academic paper. No, now my inspiration is harnessed into activity. It's just an evolution in my character; see the beauty in the world, grow inside, gain new understanding, do something crazy.

Growth comes with growing pains, right? It's like that commercial for the ridiculously expensive Tour de France stationary cycle where they talk about change being painful. Joy in the suffering. But don't let me fool you. I don't think life is all pain and anguish. Where's the fun in that?

I feel a new adventure in my encroaching future. I can't wait to see what it is :)

In other news, it took me a long while to get interested in The Avett Brothers. But good grief, this song is gooooood. I wish I could play guitar well... I'd sit in front of Paul and sing it to him, like John Mayer singing to that girl in "Your Body Is a Wonderland."

This weekend is the Jack and Back ride. Fun times aheeeead :D

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